Alex DeLaGarza

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Wrong All Along Revelation Revisited

Unlocking Biblical Prophecies through modern-day intellectualism.

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An eye-opening Journey

Challenging your understanding of end-time prophecy

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Perfect for personal study or as part of a Bible study group, “Wrong All Along” will encourage you to dig deeper into Scripture, challenge your beliefs, and engage with the Bible in a meaningful and transformative way.

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“cutting through doctrinal bias and presenting a unique Scripture-based analysis. With insights from the Book of Daniel, this concise guide invites readers to explore biblical prophecy in a transformative way. ”

John Alia Marketing Head

Excellent book
“Alex, the author of Wrong All Along, with the leading and inspiration of the Holy Spirit has unwound Revelation and explains his inspired message in a way that presented me with many “Aha!” ”

Abraham hattey Designer

My first read ever !
“Cannot recommend this book enough, its reads well, very smart, and i learned alot about Jesus and scriptures”

Michael Hussey Developer

A powerful explantion of Scripture

A must-read book for Everyone from all walks of life.

About The Author

Alex DeLaGarza Retired Law Enforcement

After retiring from a long career in law enforcement, Alex DeLaGarza devoted himself to an intense study of the Bible, driven by an unrelenting thirst for God's truth.


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This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of biblical prophecy. Whether you're new to studying Revelation or have spent years poring over its verses, Alex’s candid approach invites you to set aside preconceived notions and approach the Bible with renewed curiosity. You'll uncover insights that may challenge your previous teachings, ultimately leading you to a richer, more enlightened view of God's word.

The book is available globally on upto 20+ platforms, like Amazon, Apple and google books, Waterstones, as well as local and international platforms of major countries.